Monday, December 5, 2011

Start of Thesis Booklet

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,

    I am really pleased at how much you developed your booklet. The text has improved dramatically as your concept is developing. I particularly like seeing that your research has become more focused: the bibliography clearly covers extremely relevant sources. You have found some lively visual examples of eco-art that support your direction. I am glad to see how you have been able to tune your own hand illustrations and model to express your ideas more clearly.
    You show good style by including citations for borrowed images and ideas - keep it up!

    Some small suggestions.
    - Please include the nice photocollage that shows the step by step historical development of the area that you created early in the term.
    - Adding a paragraph to explain your 3D artistic site interpretation would make it more legible.
    - While the way you display your booklet as images is very easy to browse, it would be nice to also have the whole booklet downloadable as a multi-page PDF. Then the content would be more legible for a smaller file. Export from InDesign or Illustrator to retain vectors, use Adobe Acrobat Pro > Document > Insert pages. You might want to put an identifier on each page like a stationery page, in case people download individual pages.
    - Please check the total size of your program and see how it fits on your site. Generally the types of spaces look good, as does the organizational chart. The theatre either needs its own shops or there should be a path to get scenery in from the Physical art area. A green room is also typical for a theater.

    Overall, I am very pleased to see the development. Your ability to respond so well to my suggestions bodes well for your next two terms.
